Ice Ice Baby

team building mixology

Shaken or stirred, the most integral ingredient in your cocktail is also the most often overlooked component: ice. Ice transformed the history of libations in the late 1700s and early 1800s; its popularity grew among the wealthy who could afford such a luxurious sipping experience. Mark Twain describes this time in Life On the Mississippi “In my time ice was like jewelry, none but the rich could wear it.” Shipped ice became readily available in big cities (such as New York, New Orleans, and San Francisco - - no coincidence, many foundational cocktails were formed in these places) and shaped the cocktails and cocktails scene of the day. 

Nowadays, ice options, trays, methods, and brands are bountiful, perhaps even overwhelming. Get to know some of these ice styles and when to use them:

team building mixology

These cubes are large and in charge.


These ice cubes are typically made in silicone trays. They are an excellent choice for spirit-forward cocktails or single spirits on the rocks. These ice cubes melt at a slower rate than smaller ice cubes, providing more time to sip & savor without the rapid, fearful rush to avoid the watered-down drink time inevitably distributes. Large cubes or spheres are a lovely addition to your next cocktail.

team building mixology

This julep is crushing it!


Some cocktails are specifically designed for a frosty cup of crushed ice. Cocktail bars may have a crushed ice machine - but what if you and your team want to make some juleps or tropical cocktails at home or in the office? Have no fear home mixologists!  There are plenty of options to create these crunchy ice nuggets, even if your freezer doesn’t have a crushed ice option. You can purchase an electric ice crusher. You can also use a muddler to crush ice in your cocktail shaker or you can go old-school with a canvas bag and a mallet.  

team building mixology

It’s good to be square.


Cube ice is the standard for cocktails. Once again, bars and restaurants will have different types of cubed-ice machines, the gold standard being Kold-Draft ice. You can purchase one-inch cube molds.

Well aren’t you a tall glass of highball.


Collins ice trays create perfect cylinders or long rectangles to fit in your collins or high ball glass. 

We’re in the clear - - to enjoy a delicious beverage.

INSULATED ICE MOLDS (aka clear ice)

Insulated ice molds freeze water in one direction, forming perfectly clear ice! Although they take longer to freeze than other mold types, they are a beautiful addition to any drink and are available in different shapes and sizes! For more ideas on how to jazz up your clear ice with herbs, flowers, fruits, & spices, check out Leslie Kirchhoff’s book, Disco Cube Cocktails: 100+ Innovative Recipes for Artful Ice and Drinks (support small bookstores!).

Ice courtesy of your kitchen refrigerator.


No ice molds? No problem! You can still enjoy a perfectly chilled glass using the ice from your freezer. It may not look as dazzling, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder….or in this case, the imbiber.